Saturday, July 9, 2016

What does the slogan #BlackLivesMatter mean now?

👮🏻 1000 people were killed in police operations in the US in 2015, nearly a third of them black. Despite the fact that black people are 13% of the population they commit a disproportionate amount of crime, largely against other black people.

What does the slogan #BlackLivesMatter mean now?

We know it was born out of the fraudulent claims surrounding thug life Mike Brown's death in Ferguson, Missouri.

Do black lives matter only when it involves a white police officer? It seems to be so. I don't see any protests against the thugs and gangs violence that happens in Chicago every weekend. Do you?

Isn't that in itself the 'racism' of low expectations? Where we've come to expect it in those communities?

When Black America addresses the problems so prevalent in Black America there won't be a need for profiling or the expectation that black males are more violent than other ethnic demographics. 

Statistics show that blacks commit more crime than whites and Hispanics, combined. That can be laid at the feet of the devolution of the black family where women have multiple children, each with different absentee fathers, thanks to the Welfare System of the Social Justice Democrat policies that have enabled the devolution of the familial unit whilst keeping those families impoverished, shackled to inner city schools, with no hope to better themselves.

It's a dismal cycle of modern enslavement to the failed political system of 'democratic' socialism.

At the end of the day, we are Americans first. The colour of our skin shouldn't even be a consideration. We are all in this together. 



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