Saturday, July 9, 2016

American Dream? Or Nightmare?

The 1963 Birmingham Pledge is as relevant today as it was then.

In many ways, America has come a long way, baby. The elections of Barack Obama gives testimony to it. 

Yet, the events in #Dallas, #Valdosta, #Missouri, #Tennessee, #Minnesota, and #Louisiana seem to tell a different story, one where the political elites seek power by causing divisiveness and anarchy. 

Saul Alinsky 101: Top down, Bottom up, and Inside out. Rules for Radicals, dedicated to the first Radical, Lucifer himself. Ironically, both Clinton and Obama 'worship' at the altar of Alinsky. 

Hillary wrote her collegiate thesis on Alinsky and Obama conducted workshops and helped fund the Alinsky Academy.

Let's step back and look at MLKs Pledge. Why it mattered then, and why it matters now.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

America must choose who it is we are going to be and what kind of future we are going to leave to our posterity.

What I've witnessed on the news lately hasn't been representative of 'my' America....this isn't the country I grew up believing in. My America is one where she was great because she was good. Yes, there have been grave injustices in her history, from the genocide of the Native Americans to the enslavement and unjust servitude of the Irish, Africans, and Chinese at different periods throughout. Having ancestry from Irish and Cherokee, I am well aware of those horrendous events. 

Progressivism will be the death of the American Dream. Therein lies the tragedy.

It seems the Dream of MLK has become a nightmare from which there is no awakening. 

Later Dayz,


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