Friday, September 5, 2014

Hell In A Handbasket

This is pretty much just a rant on my part. I won't apologise. I am not sorry. I vehemently disagree with my President on every global initiative he's poked his incompetent fingers into.  From Egypt and Libya to Syria and Ukraine. He is the President of this wonderful country in which I live, but he does NOT speak for ME! The man has been on the wrong side of every geopolitical crisis since the day he took office! Oh, I know he ran (and subsequently won the election) on his promise to get our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. However, his withdrawal of our military, the only stabilizing force in the country of Iraq, resulted in a vacuum. In the subsequent aftermath, the withdrawal of American military forces did nothing more than to pave the way for someone far worse than Saddam Hussein. In this respect, former President George W. Bush was chillingly prophetic in his July 12, 2007 press conference when he said, "It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous." President Obama's inaction since January makes him culpable for the atrocities now being committed by ISIS. The mere fact that he referred to the al Qaeda spin-off as "JV" (aka Junior Varsity) shows his absolute ignorance and disengagement from the world and it's issues.

Yes, yes. I know, I know. We, as a nation are war-weary. I admit it. The very thought of sending America's sons, daughters, brothers, fathers to a country far away to fight in a war not our own is heartbreaking and gut-wrenching.  Yet, I support them for doing so. I know that the reason we have sacrificed blood, bone, sweat, tears, time, and treasure in foreign lands is so that the homeland remain the land of the free and the home of the brave. There is no greater sacrifice. I Stand with Mothers of young men who have sworn the Oath and signed the blank check "Up To and Including Their Lives" to keep America free and to prevent the devastation of war from coming to our homeland, I am not only proud, but humbled.
The more I see/hear the news the more I feel my head is about to explode or blood will soon shoot out of my eyes. I am convinced that the President and his minions are deliberately orchestrating the downfall of America. They are implementing Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" as well as the Cloward-Piven Strategy to fundamentally transform this great nation into a place that is getting harder to recognize. To put it simply, "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto!"
Progressivism began under President Woodrow Wilson. His policies were detrimental to America and eventually led to the Great Depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt's policies exacerbated and prolonged the Great Depression. If you research the Fabian Society, you will discover that many of the progressive policies stem from the ideal that the world, as we know it, has to be remade. 
Not only has President Obama and his Administration orchestrated the radical transformation of America, they have also been working diligently to transform the entire world order. Consider the recent events in the Middle East. From the Arab Spring to the civil wars in Syria and Ukraine, President Obama has been on the wrong side.  He supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia, even going so far as to send our own military personnel to take part in the ousting of the Egyptian President Mubarak and Libyan dictator Qaddafi. Mubarak was exiled and Qaddafi was brutally sodomized and executed. When the insanity spread to Syria, he supported the rebels against Syrian President Assad. The President even drew a "red line in the sand" and, of course Syria crossed it, and Obama erased his line. Admittedly those three guys were tyrants but the world wasn't burning and the people there had some modicum of peace and freedom, or the illusion thereof. 
Following September 11, 2012 when our own Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, along with three Navy Seals at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were killed by Ansar al Sharia, the world situation has degraded exponentially. We now have ISIS invading both Syria and Iraq. ISIS calls itself "freedom" fighters, but they aren't fighting for freedom. They are fighting to eradicate and enslave other people groups, religions, and anyone who isn't Muslim from those lands. They wish to impose Sharia Law in those lands they are fighting in. With Sharia Law, ISIS is ordering fatwas for all women and young girls to undergo  Female Genital Mutilation, which at the time of this writing, 130 Million women and girls have been subjected to it in 29 countries, worldwide. If you would like more information on FGM, please see The Honor Diaries, a movie that has been banned from several college and university campuses when the Islamic group CAIR protested it's viewing.

#ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant #ISIL has now beheaded two American journalists a week apart. The first was James Foley on August 19, 2014.  He was 40 years old. The second journalist was Steven Sotloff on September 2, 2014. He was 31 years old. Sotloff was Jewish and also an Israeli citizen. This was not made public until after his decapitation as he worked primarily in Muslim countries. Both were kidnapped while covering the Syrian Civil War. The US has carried out more than 120 air strikes against ISIS. On Wednesday, September 2, 2014, following the beheading of Steven Sotloff, President Obama admitted on national tv that he did not have a "strategy for dealing with ISIS." The next day on September 3, 2014 he came out and said that the objective was to "shrink" ISIS to a "manageable problem." He cannot make himself say the word "Islam" in reverence to the terrorists who are now targeting Americans. They are holding at least two other American and one British journalist. PM David Cameron said that the UK was gearing up to challenge ISIS on the same day that 82 year old Palmira Silva was beheaded in a garden district in London yesterday. Eyewitnesses claim that the man, a Muslim convert, was yelling about cats while waving a machete around. The woman went out to intervene and save the cat(s) and ended up being decapitated. This is the third woman to be decapitated in the past 6 months in London.

I've seen reports where ISIS has been burying women, children and teenagers alive. It is horrifying. I cannot fathom the barbarism and depravity of these groups. Every where they invade, blood, mayhem and violence follows them. We see them in Syria, and now Iraq. Hamas is flooding Israel with rockets, yet the world sides with Palestine and the terrorists who use women, children, schools and hospitals as shields. Russian troops amass on the border with Ukraine as the fighting there escalates since Russia's invasion of the Crimea. The fighting there is also horrific. The world burns and where did President Obama go? On a 16 day vacation. He made the presser for James Foley and within an hour he was teeing off on the golf green, and attending a fundraiser after Steven Sotloff was beheaded. Obama is now in the UK to discuss a "coalition" with Prime Minister David Cameron and NATO for dealing with ISIS.

I. Swear. It is enough to drive me clinically insane.


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