Monday, October 17, 2011

Scarlett O'Hara on Occupy Wall Street

The Communist Party endorses OWS. The Nazi Party endorses OWS. Now, President Obama endorses OWS.

"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future." ~Bill Cosby

As history has shown, this never ends well for people. Consider these facts:

"That secularism is more dangerous to a society than any specific religious faith is statistically verifiable. For example, even though tens of millions of lives have been lost at the hands of numerous religious faiths over the past two thousand years (and most of those have indisputably been lost at the hand of Islam), the number of lives lost at the hands of secular governments in just the twentieth century alone is many times greater. For example, there were the 62 million killed by Soviet Communists; the 35 million by Chinese Communists; the 1.7 million by the Vietnamese Communists; the 1.6 million in the Polish Ethnic Cleansing; the 1 million in Yugoslavia; the 1.7 million in North Korea, etc.

Furthermore, the number of deaths perpetrated by individual secular leaders is enormous. For example, Joseph Stalin was responsible for the murder of 42.7 million; Mao Tse-tung, 37.8 million; Hitler, 20.9 million; Vladimir Lenin, 4 million; Pol Pot of the Khmer Rouge, 2.4 million; Yahya Khan, 1.5 million; and numerous others could be listed. Significantly, secularism killed more in one century than did all religions combined in the previous twenty."  ~Courtesy of David Barton, Wall Builders

In light of the above horrifying statistics, these 20-somethings that Stalin would have labeled "Useful Idiots" (google it!) will be eaten alive!  These are the kids who have had everything they've ever wanted handed to them on the proverbial silver platter or were born with the proverbial golden spoon in their mouths.  They are protesting their student loans to Ivy League colleges that cost more than what my humble abode is worth!  Where is the justification in that?  If anything, they should be protesting outside those hallowed halls of liberal learning instead of the banks who gave them the student loans in the first place!  After all, the banks didn't MAKE them take out those was their own personal choice.  Education is not a RIGHT, it is a privilege.

They keep trying to compare the OWS protests to Tahirir Square in Egypt.  There is no such comparison.  These kids have never lived under the oppressive rule of a dictator.....yet!  They have never missed a meal, whereas the Egyptian people were starving!  There was no food in Egypt!  They couldn't run out to the local convenience store on the corner to buy a loaf of bread or gallon of milk.  What do these kids think is going to happen if/when the system collapses?  What will they do when they can't get to their ATM's?  Let's not forget that these are the same kids who grew up with Participation Trophies and the 10-run rule in Little League baseball.  So maybe they're all about getting a Participation Trophy now?  I don't know about that, but some are getting 20 pts extra credit from their institutions of higher learning for attending an OWS protest.  When life is lived in the herd mentality, exceptionalism and ingenuity die a slow and painful death.  

When socialist, communist principles become the law of the land, the quality of life and standard of living is always lower for the people as a general rule.  In this homogenous, pasteurized world no one in school will make A's, B's, D's, or F's.  The A's give their extra points to the F's and the B's to the D's and the result is a bunch of mediocre C's!  These people are going to open their eyes to a rude awakening!  In all of the interviews I've seen of the OWS, one of the most ironic is the one where the reporter is asking all these people to tell why they are protesting.  One hippy chick says we should go back to the hunter/gatherer lifestyle.  Really?  These kids will starve!  The reporter then asks, "oh, is that an iPhone you're using?"  Funny, huh?  Yeah, these people have the same love affair that I have with my iPhone and iPod (the new iPhone 4S sales hit 4 million in 3 days of it's release) yet they are protesting the Capitalist system that made that technology and ingenuity possible.  Unbelievable! 

What these people don't seem to realize is that if/when our system collapses, it's going to be THOSE people who are eliminated first.  I have always said, somewhat tongue in cheek, that I am "American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God!"  In light of recent events, I affirm that statement with every breath I take and every bone in my body!  For the same reasons that the South lost the War Between The States, the South will be one of the few places where we know how to survive what is seemingly looming on the horizon.  We've already lived thru Reconstruction.  Scarlett O'Hara taught us that in the Deep South, women learn at a young age that when the world is falling apart around you, it's time to tear down the drapes and make a new dress!  Our agrarian culture will be to our benefit.  We still grow our food, our Mama's taught us canning and how to dehydrate for food storage. We can sew, crochet, and knit. Our men still hunt & fish.  We know how to survive!  Do you really think that those people on OWS would still be there if there weren't others who were doling out food for them?  If they were having to go hungry, do you think they'd really still be 3 weeks into protest?  No!  Not to mention that the Working Families Party (just one of the unions supporting this) is paying $650/week to people to protest!  That's more than what many people make in a week doing an honest days' work!  Sad, but true!


They spit on our troops, thereby trampling underfoot the blood spilled by those same soldiers who died to give them the right to protest in the first place!  In my opinion, these people should renounce their American citizenship and get  the hell out of Dodge!  They should live in Russia, Cuba, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, N. Korea, or China for a while.  Perhaps then they would have a greater appreciation for what our men and women of the armed forces have lived and died for in our country's 235 years.  Perhaps they would not take their freedom for granted.  Then again, with the Zombie mentality they have exhibited so far, maybe not. 

Later dayz,

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