Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

👳🏽 So.....America (Obama) does lucrative $400 Million Dollar 'deals' using 'unmarked' Swiss Francs (untraceable) with an Islamic State (Iran), that executes Nuclear Scientists, that divulge secret information on it's 'transparent' Nuclear plans to the CIA, either voluntarily or under duress. 

Shame on Barak 'Hussein' Obama.

This Story really should be Front Page News, as it speaks volumes. 

Why has Obama not been prosecuted for treason yet? Siding with a quite evil regime, Iran, against an equally evil regime, Syria?

Siding with the Shia version of Islam against the Sunni version? And yet we (who he views as inferior infidels) are supposed to accept that he's not a chip of the old block? His Kenyan Father was a Shia Muslim and 'Hussein' is a Shia name. 

What's he trying to do? He doesn't know does he? Empowering Shia Iran whilst arming Sunni 'Rebels' against Iran's greatest ally, Assad in Syria? These are the actions of a meddler.

One can only conclude by his Foreign Policy of Regime Change that he wants to create more Islamic States! That is exactly what transpired in Libya, Iraq, Egypt, and now Turkey.

It must be noted that in 2009 when the Iranian people rose up to protest their Islamist regime, Obama said nary a word in support of true democracy against a Sharia state.

Note Obama's very different responses to uprisings in Iran and Egypt:

Egypt is the only country from the 'Arab Spring' to overthrow the Obama-backed Muslim Brotherhood, arresting President Morsi and initially sentencing him to death, and now life in prison. 

Morsi Death Sentence:
Morsi Life Sentence:

Since the Egyptian Army and people's overthrow of Morsi, Obama has had nothing good to say about Egypt. Have you noticed? Did you know that Obama's Kenyan half-brother is a member of the MB? Yeah....

Then again, as he wrote in his book, he "remembers fondly the morning call to prayer" doesn't he? Obviously he shares the Malcolm X version of Islam.

On Carl Jung's Couch I'd say he clearly has an unresolved Father Complex. Played out on the world stage. 

Isn't that what Adolf Hitler did? Unconsciously tying to resolve his childhood past through Politics and War? 

Obama is as much a danger to the Civilised World. A veritiable 'Wolf' in Sheep's Clothing.

Who knew?

Later Dayz,


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