💂🏻 Donald Trump is Conservatism's #Dunkirk.
Didn't Britain understand the cost of leaving France to Hitler? Didn't the British have an obligation to fight to the last man?
Absolutely not. The Brits had an obligation to preserve the British Army as it was the only hope to win the Greater War.
Like Dunkirk, the Constitutional 'Army' must be preserved, not perverted, and not marginalised. We must live to fight another day with our principles and morals intact.
Trump will not win. He was unelectable from the get-go. Trump is losing Georgia. He will lose on an historic level!
Trump has only 9% support for those aged 30 and younger.
Mitt Romney won 54% majority of votes from white women over Obama in 2012. Trump is losing that vote by a colossal margin. Same with Latinos and Blacks.
Who's left?
Uneducated white males? Yeah.😑
Good luck with that Trump Muppets. Your vote for Trump in the Primaries was a Vote for Clinton.
Trump keeps saying he doesn't need support of Conservative Constitutionalists because he's going to garner support from Blue states and win socialist Bernie Sanders supporters.
Polling, however, isn't supporting that claim at all. Bernie supporters are choosing Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson over Trump.
For more, read this excellent article by Ben Shapiro: