Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mama-isms: Things My Mama Said

I awakened this morning, remembering and thinking about my Mama and some of the words and phrases she used on a regular basis. She was a lot like Uncle Si of Duck Dynasty in that respect. Here's a short list of a few phrases that my Mama used that are my favorites:

1.  pasture giants (legs, as in use yours and don't be lazy)

2.  sanko across (as in leisurely walk or skulk)

3.  have a conniption (panic attack)

4.  smells like kyarn (not even sure how to spell this one, but she meant smells like carrion: something dead)

5.  ridikilus (ridiculous)

6. heifer (applied to any woman she didn't like)

floozy (loose woman, i.e. skank, ho)

8. corker (She's a corker, as in her cat, Lucy. Incorrigible or astonishing)
9. greedy-gut (applied to anyone who wouldn't share or hogged all the food)

10. grouch-box (someone in a bad mood or ill-tempered)

11. two wrongs don't make a right (revenge is never right)

12. I've already forgotten more than you know (because she lived in the 30s, 40s, 50s. She experienced things I'll never know and she's right.)

13. that scrapper! (anyone who tried to take advantage of her)

14. that scroungeball (same as above)

15. turd-head (my dad)

16. dumb-bunny (not the brightest crayon in the box, stupid)

17. tetched in the head (touched in the head, crazy)

18. pasquale (vagina....yeah, imagine my surprise when the pizza place opened!)

19. tallywhacher (penis....I lie not!)

20. always wear clean underwear (her talisman against accidents #nojoke)

21. don't make me come in there! (when my siblings and I were fighting/arguing)

22. shut your mouth and eat (still haven't figured out how this is accomplished!)

23. just wait until you have kids (proved prophetic....#justsaying)

24. I'm gonna pull you bald-headed (if she ever thought I or my sister were lying to her)

25. swear on the Bible (and she'd make us stand on the Bible and swear....#true!)

26. you can't fix stupid (an immutable truth!)

27. when I was a kid.... (followed by a very long, long, long story)

28. I'm going to jump on your bed when you grow up! (she never did, but she threatened)

29. olive oil is good for everything (from moisturizer to ear aches)

30. don't ask me "Why?"

Later dayz,


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