Wednesday, January 18, 2017

It's not Me, it's You.

A life of faith is a life of doubt. Always seeking. Always questioning. Even the father of the possessed child said "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief."

It is 'Certainty' in ideology that humankind have lost the plot, repeatedly, as history has shown.

It is 'Certainty' of superiority which led to the Muslim invasion of Christian lands and sparked Crusades to combat the invasion and enslavement of Christian Pilgrims traveling to the Holy Lands. It is this same ideology that we are dealing with today, with respect to Islamism and Sharia Law. 

It is 'Certainty' which established the Dogma of the Inquisitions under Roman Catholicism. This same ideology led to the Witch Trials of women ahead of their time in medical and nursing fields with their advanced knowledge of herblore in medicants.

It was 'Certainty' which caused Cromwell's invasion and depopulation of Ireland. He exported millions of Irish as slaves to the New World and imported Scottish Protestants, the Orangemen, to replace them. This led to the Easter Rising of 1916, Bloody Sunday, the Troubles, and the divided Ireland we have today. 

The 'Certainty' of racial superiority permeating Imperial nations led to slavery of hundreds of thousands in the New World. This was also about economy and investments. Can't have one without the other, they claimed, or the economy would collapse. This also led to the genocide of the Indigenous Native Americans. After all, they were primitive by comparison, these Natives and Slaves.

It was that same 'Certainty' which led Adolf Hitler to write Mein Kempf and his ideology of a pure Aryan race led to the deaths of 11 Million 'undesirable' and 'unclean' people under his regime, 6 Million of whom were Jews.

'Certainty' of Socialist and Communist ideology let to the greatest Democide in World History during the 20th Century. There were perhaps as many as 360 Million People killed by their governments in the 20th Century, four times as many as the 42 Million killed in Civil and International Wars. Democide is when a State kills some of the general population. Mao, Stalin, Castro, ChΓ©, and Hitler were engaged in the most horrific Democide. Hitler, in comparison to Stalin and Mao, killed the least, but is perhaps the most well known.

'Certainty' is what leads to political factions and divisiveness which alienates constituencies from their representatives in government. This 'Certainty' led to the American Civil War in which 600,000 or more have their lives, more than the loss of life in all other conflicts and wars, combined. 

As Mao said, 'power comes at the barrel of a gun.' Let's hope America never comes to that. 



Sunday, January 1, 2017

Your Life is Your Story

πŸ“š Everyone writes their own story. If someone doesn't make it to the end of the book as a main character in your life's work, it simply means their part in your story is over. 

Don't ever allow a supporting character to make you feel like your story isn't yours. Be strong. 

It isn't about them. It's never about them. 

Why? Because the only person we can change is ourselves. We can't change other people. We either inspire them to make changes themselves, or we live with them as they are and become responsible for our reactions to them if they choose not to change. 

Ultimately we are only responsible for the choices and decisions we make because the only person we are accountable for, before God Almighty, is ourselves.

Later Dayz⏳x


A Look Back

How optimistic I was. And how wrong. 2012 was devastating to me personally and I honestly don't know how I lived through it. 

❤️🐈🐾 I'm pretty sure I only made it through 2012 and 2013 because of my special needs cat, Sophie. I knew no one else could/would care for her and she needed me to live to be her cat guardian until her time came to cross the Rainbow Bridge 21 August 2014.

2014 was the year I came back into myself as I remember almost nothing about 2013 due to the pit of depression I was in.

Why do people say we 'struggle' with depression? I've found I am quite proficient at it, during certain times of the year. Especially those associated with grief and loss. Grief is cyclical and remains inside until something triggers it: a smell, a song, a memory.

I shan't make any prediction about 2017. Truth is, I've also learnt that Life is a bitch and none of us make it out alive. The only difference is in how we endure and survive until then. However long, or short, that will be. 

Later Dayz!⏳
