Monday, November 2, 2015

Friends: Cheaper than a Psychiatrist

I've come to realise that sometimes your best friends are the ones you never see. They are often the ones with the words of encouragement that give us strength and remind us that it takes a little hell to see what heaven is worth. But it's worth the fight. #livestrong 

Sometimes you meet someone, and it's so clear that the two of you, on some level, belong together. As lovers, as friends, sometimes family, or as something entirely different. You click and you just work. You have an understanding with one another, whether you're in love or partners in crime. 

You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances and they help you feel alive. 

They may not understand where you're going, but they understand where you've come from. They don't judge you for the broken pieces of your life that you are left holding in your hands. The brokenness is what kind of draws you closer. They've been broken too.

I don't know if that makes me believe in divine providence, coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.

L8R Dayz,


Tuesday, October 27, 2015


The journey, long,
My feet, trudge on
To the tune of
A mournful song.

How long, how long?
Must we endure
This hopeless, helpless life
Without a cure?

The days are bleak,
Of which I seldom speak....
Run one into the other,
And then Repeat.

The road I walk,
Solitary and forlorn
Has been walked
By others who've gone before.

I see the signs along the way,
Encouraging me to endure and stay.
Be faithful. Be true.
There is still much to do.

Is it too much to ask?
For happiness?
For love returned?
A shoulder to cry on?
Or a hand to hold?

Loneliness, my boon companion,
Despondency, my lover.
They are faithful to the end,
More so than any other.

Later Dayz,


Monday, October 12, 2015

Live Free

Parents. They die. Abandoning us and leaving us bereft and unable to function. Especially if we are caregivers.

Parents leave us at the emotional baggage depot holding baggage that is not our own. Our parents' fuck-ups should never have been ours. Yet, they die and leave us emotionally traumatised and unable to cope with the very big, real world without them in it.  

To be free one must forgive and grieve  properly. 

I know. I had much to forgive! It doesn't change what happened or how your parents treated you, but it does free you from the bonds and shackles they imposed. 

At some point we HAVE to grow up and realise WE are responsible for US. It is our choice now, whether or not we live in the shadows of our parents or validate every hurt they inflicted through their carelessness and selfishness. 

We were children. This emotional burden, It is NOT ours to bear. Ever. It's all on them! 

Life is for the living. Live free. Anything less is mere existence. 

Later Dayz,


My Friend

I feel so fucking helpless you know. 

I know you're hurting and I know even if I was there I couldn't really do anything except crawl into the darkness with you and hold you and cry with you. Or for you since you never cry. 

So I'll just do it from here and pray you'll soon see better days ahead, knowing that they are coming. I have faith.

Nothing lasts forever. 
Not the sunshine, not the rain. 
Not the good, and damn sure not the pain. Without the rain we'd never see a rainbow.

Hold fast. When you're at the end of the rope, tie a knot, and hold on.

I can't imagine the world without you in it. You are a beautiful soul and you have been a good friend when you really didn't have any reason to be.

Don't think on the many What Might Have Beens or what you perceive as Failures. Those are merely opportunities by which we learn Who and How Strong we are.

Think on the What May Yet Be. Work towards that end. There is still a lot of life to be lived; loved. 

Walk towards that Light. I'll be there where our Horizons meet.

Later days,
