I thought that President Obama was the first
"post-racial" President and we could all come together where race
isn't an issue any more, even when making jokes about the taco bell dog. I have family members who have black spouses
and cousins who are bi-racial just the same as President Obama, so racism isn't
an issue with me, though I sometimes use the phrase "and they call me
racist" to make a point...like I did with the buttons at the DNC because
of the fact that most liberals accuse conservative people of being racist and
the fact that if a white guy put a slogan like that on a button, he WOULD have
immediately been called a racist. This week I was asked by a friend if I was “racist.” I am not.
I was also asked if I thought President Obama was the anti-christ. I don’t, and have never thought so. Both of those questions came from a friend of
mine who just happens to be black, just so you know. Yes, I have black friends! I also have Bulgarian, German, Korean,
Japanese, and Mexican friends! For some
reason conservatives and Christian conservatives in particular are always
labeled "racist" when, if you read ANY of the civil rights history, it's
exactly the opposite. I mean, Abraham Lincoln AND Martin Luther King, Jr. were
BOTH Republicans!!! So, how’d that

Here's a little known fact: Obama's father didn't
march for the civil rights movement; Mitt Romney's father did. Mitt Romney's dad,
although Mormon, was not a polygamist; Obama's father was, having 3 wives at
the same time. Obama's father was a communist; as was his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. Communists don't believe in "civil" rights. Obama
didn't grow up with the Pledge of Allegiance, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Apple Pie, or any other
American tradition that makes him like us. You can read about his exotic
life in Indonesia
in his book. Based on his own words and policies, he is a Marxist socialist
Many of my heroes are black people: George Washington Carver, Booker
T. Washington, Frederick Douglas, Samuel Morris, just to name a few! Condoleeza Rice is an amazingly strong woman
that I admire greatly! I am proud that
such an intelligent and accomplished woman from Alabama
is on the political stage! George
Washington Carver will ALWAYS be top dog because he invented PeanutButter! And I absolutely love Allen
West, Thomas Sowell, (Sowell's Writings) and C.L. Bryant! In my opinion, I think Sowell or West
would have been better choices for the first African-American
president....which, if you know the truth, Barack Obama isn't. His mom was
white, his dad Kenyan. The "label" African-American is used for black
people whose ancestors were brought over here as slaves by the British, French,
and Spanish; not Americans! Barack's father was never a slave so his lineage
does not hold true to the standard.
Me? My ancestry is Irish/Scots-American whose great-great-great-grandfather
was the first white man on Sand
Mountain who married a
Cherokee woman. I have Cherokee and Irish from both sides of my family and Scots from my dad's side. The Tinkers are called “wanderers” in
Ireland, because that’s what they did, kind of like gypsies, wandering from
place to place, repairing (tinkering) with things, hence the surname “Tinker.”
But I've never been to Ireland
a day in my life. I'm AMERICAN! Have you
ever been to Africa? If not, then you are just
an American, like me! Teddy Roosevelt said that hyphenated Americans weren't
American (paraphrase) so......I read a lot and I know that as horrible as
slavery was to black people, my Native American ancestors were the targets of
genocide to steal their land. Yet America is the only nation that fought a
bloody war to end the practice of slavery, something our Founders found so abhorrent and reprehensible reprehensible they changed the wording in the Declaration of Independence from "life, liberty, and property
to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" because they knew
that many would consider slaves property. Slaves were brought here by the
British, French, and Spanish, not Americans.
Most of our founders "inherited" their slaves and sought to
free them, either upon their death or during their lives and many, like Thomas
Jefferson, tried to do it while he was alive but the laws were such that they
had to pay high sums of money to do so, and Jefferson was basically a pauper
(poor) at the time of his death. It was Christians who began the Underground
Railroad and opposed slavery.
elected her first black president just 40 years after the Civil Rights
movement. That is America's
accomplishment! All of the American descendants of slaves have far better lives
than those who still live in Africa, where
slavery is still practiced and civil war is an every day thing. I recently
watched the movie, Machine-gun Preacher, a true story about Sam Childers, who
took on that Joseph Kony dude who kidnapped and enslaved children in Uganda and Sudan. He forces the girls to be sex slaves and the boys to kill their
parents and be in his army. Oh and btw, Sam Childers is a Christian white guy! It was estimated that in the early 60's Saudi
Arabia had 300,000 slaves. Slavery wasn't abolished until later at the cost to the government of $2,000 each. And do you know what happened to the guy who freed the slaves??? He was assassinated by his nephew! And the murdering nephew was beheaded in public in Riyadh in 1975! Many Muslim countries still practice slavery. I just hate to see our
people, black and white, red and yellow, enslaved to an out of control big
government that seems bent on keeping us on the Plantation, providing the masses with
food stamps, health care, and on the government teat, but not really free.
There isn't freedom if you don't have a choice. We are all created with the
same opportunity, but some are more talented than others and some just knock on
the door of opportunity more often.
Everyone should vote. It's a right that many
black men and white men, died to give you. Don't take it for granted. Black men
were allowed to vote in 1870, following the end of the War Between the States
and the ratification of the 17th Amendment. Native Americans weren't given
citizenship or allowed to vote until 1924 (and not until 1954 in Maine, 1956 in Utah, and
1962 in New Mexico!)
and women weren't allowed to vote until 1920 upon ratification of the 19th
Amendment. I've voted in every election ever since I was 18, never forgetting
the price others paid that gave me the freedom and privilege of doing so. Go
register to vote! Exercise your right as an American! Do you realize that America
has THE longest, consecutive form of government BY the people? Our founders
blessed us with a constitutional bi-cameral Republic! US Constitution We are not a democracy! A
democracy is 3 wolves and 1 sheep sitting down to ask, “What’s for dinner?"
Democracy is what you see in Egypt
now, where after getting rid of the dictator, Islamic radicals are literally
crucifying the Christians in that country and the last Jewish synagogue has
been closed. There are many countries much older than ours but our government
has out lasted theirs and has never been a monarchy where people were
"subjects" or serfs. Our gov't is OF the people, BY the People, FOR
the People (Lincoln's Gettysburg Address). Unique. Never been done, before or since, though some have
tried. Monrovia, Liberia
in West Africa was founded when freed slaves returned to Africa.
Named after President Monroe and Liberty,
but has been in the throes of civil war for decades. Read about it!
Anyway, it wasn't after until I read Obama's book
that I began questioning his policies and the inconsistency of what he promised
in 2008. I want to be more informed this go-round and so I'm seeking the
answers to the concerns that I have about our deficit and the government
getting bigger and bigger. Our economy
is a mess. Our debt is unsustainable. The fact of all that wasted stimulus
money on Solyndra and green energy is painful no matter what side you're on.
The billions sent to Brazil Obama's Brazilian Oil Company
to invest in THEIR off-shore drilling while closing ours and saying NO to the
keystone pipeline just doesn't make sense to me, especially when coal is cheap
and we already HAVE it! Sending $6 Billion to Muslim Brotherhood controlled Egypt Obama's Billions to Muslim Brotherhood Egypt doesn't
make sense to me either. They are not our friends. Fast & Furious cover-up, Beheadings in our own country and along our border, amnesty for illegal
immigrants....they are ALREADY ILLEGAL! Failure to enforce immigration laws already
on the books is pathetic. For the record, we NEVER occupied Mexico OR took their land! After the Mexican-American War, in the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago, we gave them back the land as far south as Mexico City, and paid them a $15 million lump sum payment, and the assumption by the U.S.
Government of up to $3.25 million worth of debts owed BY Mexico to U.S.
citizens for the territory that became the states of
Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, California, Washington, and Oregon, as
well as portions of what would later become Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Wyoming,
and Montana. It's almost like they pick and choose which laws they
want to enforce while disregarding others. I don't get it! That was all of our money that was wasted,
that could have been spent to pay on the deficit. We get so used to hearing a
trillion dollars....but have a hard time conceptualizing it, much less applying
it in our REAL lives! I've never had a trillion dollars to just piss away on
solar panels and when the company went belly-up those glass tubes were used as
art in some liberal college in California! This is what HALF A BILLION WASTED DOLLARS LOOKS LIKE: Solyndra's Modern Art
Stuff like that drives me nuts!!! And it was the same with George W.! His
policies were no better, and it just seems that we've had 4 more years of Bush
and then some. I just haven't seen any real change...not like what was promised
in 2008. Obama promised to take on big business, but big businesses like GM and GE didn't have to pay taxes...they were waived! How about the other 1200+ BIG businesses that were exempt and got waivers for Obamacare? How is that fair to small business owners or self-employed people? List of Obamacare Exemptions
When I saw the movie 2016 Obama's America I realized even more, that he
isn't like us; he wasn't raised "American." His life growing up and
the influences that molded him are not like those we were raised with.
Enlightening! It not only helped me understand his worldview but also understand how he
views America.
It really brought home to me that he's not like us at all! And he isn't even
like most immigrants who want to come here, desiring to avail themselves of the
opportunities America
offers. It's really mind-boggling. And my one thought was "Who knew? Who
knew in 2008?" we all thought he was just like us, but he's radically
different in his perception of America.
We aren't socialist in nature. We don't celebrate the collective. We celebrate
those whose achievements inspire us. We celebrate the Heisman Trophy winners,
the BCS National Champions, the World Series Champions, the fastest NASCAR
driver (though I don’t like NASCAR...*gasp*
I know! it’s just ain’t in me folks!), the first man on the moon, winning the most Gold Medals at the Olympics, or bagging the
biggest buck, or prize-winning fish we catch! We LIKE red, white, and blue and
fireworks on the 4th of July! We grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance and get teary-eyed singing the Star-Spangled Banner and we tie
yellow ribbons around our trees until our troops come home! We are apple pie
and baseball! It's fundamentally WHO we
are as Americans!
Sure, he was born in Hawaii,
that makes him an American citizen, but he was raised in Indonesia by a
communist mom and step-dad with communist ideals and values. Big difference. Even the guy he said was his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a known communist on the FBI's watch list with over 600
pages of documentation. He grew up worshiping Hanuman, the demon fighting Monkey god with the strength of 100 men who's never been defeated. (Just
between you and me, I’d want a god MUCH stronger than 100 puny men!) Ironic
that only 5% of ppl say they won't vote for a black man, but 18% say they won't
vote for a Mormon. But we did vote for a black man who worshiped Hanuman. So,
which is more bigoted? I'm not black or Mormon. I’m not a Democrat OR a
Republican. I’m an Independent with
heavy leanings on the Libertarian/Constitutional Party side. I’d even go so far as to claim kinship with
the Tea Party since I could see myself dressing up as a wild injun and dumping
His Majesty’s tea in Boston
Harbor! I just want to know which candidate shares my
love for America
and our Constitution and who wants life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
for all Americans! I just don't think Obama "thinks like Americans"
do. He seems to think we're supposed to
be some kind of remade European socialist country, but we aren't, we never have
been. Look at Europe and see if all the
socialist polices have been to the benefit of its people. No.
One country after another is on the verge of collapse. Greece,
Portugal, Spain, Italy,
Ireland, the UK. Only Germany is solvent. Keep in mind that it was America who rebuilt Germany and
after WWII. If you haven't read his
book, then you should...at least you'll know who you're voting for. I thought he grew up just like I did; but he
didn't. I can't think of one single communist that I knew as a child growing
up. I can remember the "fall-out" drills and films we had in school
that used to terrify me at the very THOUGHT of the communists attacking from Russia or China. Now, we also have Iran to worry about and I wonder why the
President seems to have turned a blind eye to Iran becoming a nuclear power?
Don't you? I wonder why he said that America
would only be concerned with Syria
if chemical or biological weapons were used?
Wouldn't it be too late then??? Why would we consider sending OUR sons and
daughters AFTER chemical or biological weapons had been deployed??? Not that I want another war in another Middle
Eastern country...I don't! I have a son who may be sent to Bahrain as support for the troops in Afghanistan,
which to my way of thinking should have ended the moment we got Osama bin
Laden. Why keep our guys over there when OBL was the reason we went there in
the first place? Didn’t President Obama
promise in 2008 to end the wars and bring our troops home? Inconsistency. And now there's the tragedy and subsequent cover-up of the events that happened in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. I'll leave that topic for another day.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read and I'll appreciate any thoughts you might wish to share with me. I always like another perspective from people I respect. I've always believed respect was a two way street and a lot of the time we just don't take the time to cross it and see another person's point of view.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read and I'll appreciate any thoughts you might wish to share with me. I always like another perspective from people I respect. I've always believed respect was a two way street and a lot of the time we just don't take the time to cross it and see another person's point of view.