"Words once spoken can never be retracted,
Missives once sent cannot be redacted,
Hearts once broken will never be whole,
And faith once lost is rarely restored." ~moi
I have always believed that all love that is real is true. Then I discovered, albeit the hard way, that “love” has as many different meanings to just as many different people. I once read that love is just a word until you find someone to give it definition. So, based on some people their "love" is neither true, nor real.
The object of "being in a relationship" is to show the people you love that you do love them. Even cretins (an obtuse, mentally defective person) make some effort on behalf of the one whom they profess to love, yet some people are obviously lower on the evolutionary emotional scale than a cretin.
The icing on the cake, the fait accompli, the mea culpa....ever the romantic soul that I am, I chose to give the debased cretin (lower than your average cretin) the benefit of the doubt. In return I learned very much the hard way that What You Don't Know Will Hurt You....but NOT until You DISCOVER what it is. To say I feel like a complete idiot is an understatement of egregious proportion.
- loving someone doesn’t make them do right, treat you right, nor does it make them a better person; to quote a Jack Johnson lyric, "loving someone don't make them love you..."
- although I feel like an idiot now, I must always be true to myself. Always.
- you never get a second chance to do it right the first time.
- second chances are simply mistakes you keep repeating.
- I suppose I need a t-shirt or coffee mug that reads "I ♥ Cretins!" or "Jerk Magnet" since it seems to be my modus vivendi (way of life...sad, but true).
- if loving someone was easy, would it be as highly valued?
- faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
- love is whatever you can still betray; betrayal can only happen if you love.
- the wounds of a lover are worse than the wounds of an enemy; you expect to be wounded by your enemy.
- forgiveness is the fragrance a rose sheds on the heel that has crushed it; the final form of love. Francoi de La Rochefoucauld writes, "One forgives to the degree that one loves."
- being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.
- what you don't know will hurt you...but not until you discover what it is; ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is ignorance, often painful and sometimes lethal in large doses.
- sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you're worthy of the trip.
- if life and loving was easy...where would all the adventures be?
- believing is not about seeing, and faith is not about reaching, and on this journey I keep learning that flying is not about wings.~downhere